Option 1 : Check your phone number
If you already have an account on Kraaft but you can't seem to find your old conversations after logging back in from a new device: then your account might be linked to your personal or work (professional) phone number, or simply to your email address and not your phone number. Log out and try to log back in with your other phone number / email address ;)
Option 2 : Ask one of your colleagues to invite you
It's the first time that you log in on Kraaft and your colleagues already use it ? Ask one of them to invite you on their workspace π They can easily invite you from their smartphones, just by opening the application and following the process below !
Option 3 : Give us a call, and we'll take care of it !
Directly call us and you will be all set in seconds! Our customer service team is here to help you ;-) βοΈ +33 1 84 60 64 68